Wednesday, June 21, 2017

LT. Euphaim Diciano implemented Safety, Security and Environmental Numbering of watercrafts and bancas in Tawi-Tawi

Bongao, Tawi- Tawi – The Philippine Coast Guard  lead by Lt. Euphraim Jayson I. Diciano coordinated all municipalities of the province for their strict implementation of Safety, Security  and  Environmental Numbering (SSEN) system to enhance Maritime security in the province.

The province has 11 municipalities. The Coastguard is  directly ordered  to all local officials for the SSEN implementation in order to prevent the use of vessels/watercraft in various maritime infractions or violation  more particularly the  piracy and terrorism, said Lt. Diciano in an interview.

Diciano added, the coastguard conducted several seaborne patrol in order to look in  the  real score of their implementation, in just 3  hours of patrolling they  withhold  137  bancas  in  barangay Lamion and operators advise to take action regarding the SSEN implementation of his office.

Since  the strict impelementation of the coastguard, there are 388 bancas/seacraft registered already and they are confident, they were reach the target numbers by month end.

Diciano told reporter, that they are continue to conduct patrol  just  to sure the safety of the people here.(By: Becky Asis -The Redline News PH)

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