by: Becky D. de Asis

Pagadian City - When
Bill Gates goes to Africa, he struck to
seen farmers still using with hoes, plows
and other old farming equipments that have not changed in generation.
He said
that farmers in wealthier countries have benefited from wave after wave of
technological improvements. Gates said that this one big reason why some
farmers produce much more food than others, Here’s the 4 innovation tools for
poor farmers to wit: Mapping soils, Moving and ancient crop to the cutting
edge, making videos that make a difference and lastly, a better way to get great income
to the market.
Recently, President Rodrigo Duterte said during the ARMM LGU Summit that the Philippine
government today working on how to reduce the poverty problem in our country by helping the poor among the poorest people,
more particular the autonomous region by helping farming families increase
productions in sustainable way, and sell sustainable crops, is the most effective way to reduce hunger and
poverty in our country.
The group of media /blogger here in Pagadian headed by
Antonio Bayamban, Judys G. Cogo and Becky D. de Asis studied the new farming
technology from Japan, The Ginger farming is one of the answer of the long
problem of the country and to help also the co-media to uplift also their living conditions as well.
Here’s the Ginger Farming that make peoples different, and a
better way to get good income to the market.
The Ginger farming innovated by the new,
fresh technologists coming from Davao Oriental. They mapping the soils
carefully before planting the ginger and applying their latest technology
inorder to get a better market in 12 months only you can earn as much as you
can with a small capital only.
The group visited the demo farm
in Pulanco, Davao Oriental to observe the newest technology applied in more
than hundred ginger growers in Davao.
During the demo farm visit in Pulanco, the group met
assemblyman Acmad Esmael of Basilan. He said that this ginger farming is the
best solution on poverty problem in his province. Esmael really happy about the
solution of the long problem of his province by go farming of ginger, he said. (for more details and seminars please contact Antonio Bayamban @ 09219652683 or visit Antonio Bayamban facebook )(by: Becky D. de Asis - The Redline News)
Ginger is one of the excellent spices crops cultivated in Asia and India accounts for 40% of the world ginger production. Ginger root has high demand in national and international markets due to its excellent uses and benefits. Farmers can make gold out of it, if they follow the proper farm management practices.
Ginger is one of the excellent spices crops cultivated in Asia and India accounts for 40% of the world ginger production. Ginger root has high demand in national and international markets due to its excellent uses and benefits. Farmers can make gold out of it, if they follow the proper farm management practices.
Ginger is a crop that grows best in the Philippines. In
fact, it is so versatile that it can be grown almost any part of the country.
But in spite of its suitability to
Philippines conditions, ginger is still a “neglected” crop. Few farmers plant
it and their produce is not enough to meet even domestic consumption.
Uses of Ginger
Ginger can be consumed fresh, dehydrated, powdered or
pickled, Salabat, or ginger tea, a popular hot drink is made from boiled fresh
ginger or powdered ginger. It is also used as an ingredients in the manufacture
of perfumes and soft drinks and in preparation of preserves, candies and
Accordingly Ginger also a powerful aphrodisiac and increases
sexual powers. It is also at top of the list in history and sympathetic magic
as helping to increase sex drive. It stimulate sexual performance in both men and women, and aids in the fading
love, lust and attraction.
That is why some chemist and dietician introduces ginger one
of the best food supplement in the world.
The group of media from Pagadian City headed by Antonio
Bayamban with Judys Cogo and Becky De Asis with Sampao nursery in Davao
Oriental, would like to inform everybody
that the world needs a lot of supply of ginger. Sampao nursery produce
only 40,000 kilograms ginger every month, and it is very minimal the demands of
Japan and other countries needs a lot of ginger supply.
The Sampao nursery
offer free planting and free technical support to everyone wants to
avail this opportunity and chance to grow ginger using the new technology of
the company in order to produce more supplies.
Sampao nursery also and the group of media in Pagadian City
offers a free orientation. Please contact Antonio Bayamban and Becky de Asis @ 09219652683
or email us to
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