Thursday, November 30, 2017

Thousands of Rev Gov supporters of Basilan attended the synchronized rally headed by PSFP

Isabela, Basilan – The group of Peoples Solidarity for  Federal  Party headed by Misriya Tupay Iddilis gathered yesterday at  Isabela City to support theRevolutionary Government of President Rodrigo R. Duterte  in order to give  the way the federal form of government in the country.

There are Thousands of supporters attended the synchronized rally of People’s Solidarity for federal Party in the said city  and Zamboanga, Sibugay yesterday.

Misriya Tupay Iddilis told reporters that there were thousands of supporters from Basilan alone was attended the rally because they want a total change of the constitutions from democratic to federal form of government. 

Iddilis said that the Basilaneous wants the President to declare the Revolutionary Government to make a way the federal because this is the only way to resolved the long time problems of the country were socially corrupted by some government officials and among others,

“We want Revolutionary Government” said the people of Basilan during their 3 hours synchronized rally and most of them coming from different sectors including youth of the said province.

The PSFP provincial coordinator said, that Basilan peoples  wants the government for a  total change for better Philippines for the next generation, said Iddilis. (By Becky D. de Asis)

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