Sunday, February 11, 2018

5 star engineer of Sulu never sleep


Some people tag this engineer a " workaholic", others may  say he is very "dedicated and honest" in terms of duty or works as District Engineer of Sulu, 1st Engineering District.

This 24/7 engineer never sleep because he wants his works perfect even hampered by some lawless elements while implementing projects along the way, he never unshaken or afraid of.

Engineer Abdulmunir I. Hadjirul was very dedicated of his work because he wants his constituents to  uplift their living conditions and well-develop community soon  not a terroristic-community, said Hadjirul.

This engineer of Sulu was tag by more constituents here a "5-star engineer" in terms of development and efforts.

 He is just like a "super - hero" who saves their lives from the devil.

He is very enthusiastic person, the only thing he pursued - is to help the people.

Therefore, Engineer Abdulmunir I. Hadjirul was visited by more military officials in Sulu in order to give their respect and" Thank You messages"  in order to respond their requests as development-partner for Sulu.

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