Monday, April 1, 2019

Mayor Yshmael I. Sali deliver his SOMA - teary-eyed speak over a thousand of followers in Languyan gymnasium

(Photo by Pershing Taiyab-Info.Officer)

Languyan, Tawi-Tawi - The municipal mayor of this municipality deliver his 3rd  State of the  Municipal Address today in order to give reports and to updates people about his accomplishments during his term.

Sali emotionally thanks everybody for all their supports which led to Languyan being progressive and well developed town  during his leadership.

He urged  also his constituents to help him to continue his projects if people trust them again with their votes for his gubernatorial seat this coming May 2019  election.

"He may not be a good leader as what his constituency have expected with him, he felt sorry for it", but he try his very best to continue his projects that would uplift the living condition of the people, not only in Languyan but the whole province of Tawi-Tawi', the mayor said.

In his speech, Mayor Yshmael I. Sali said, "wherever I will be, I shall remain the Mang Sali that I used to be and as you used to know and nothing will gonna change".

"With teary-eyed" speak  solemnly because of his strong attachment of his people and he loved to serve for them. " I will never forget you all, instead I will expanded my hands throughout the province because there are many people also needs my help too. 

"I do my best to extend my leadership and pursue my vision and mission for the good of people of our beloved Tawi-Tawi" he added.

After he give  thanks to the people, he deliver his accomplishments reports over a thousand of people inside the gymnasium.

He is proud to deliver his accomplishments like: farm-to-market roads, water system, port terminal, a multi-million gymnasium projects, barangay road projects and more on going projects that need to finish, said the mayor.

He added that the Languyan municipality during his administration has recorded the most highest tax collection in the whole province because of some businesses and investors invest in Languyan during his term.

He appealed also to his constituents and the whole province  as well,  to help him this coming election "for governor" in order to continue and expand his assistance and helps especially those in far-flung areas, "I will do my best to serve you Tawi-Tawians", he said.

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