Monday, April 12, 2021

Message of Bangsamoro Chief Minister Ahod B. Ebrahim on the observance of the Holy of Month of Ramadhan 1442H (2021)

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmahtullahi Taala Wa Barakatuh.

On behalf of the Bangsamoro Government, I wish to extend my prayers and greetings to the entire Muslim Ummah especially those in our region as we welcome this year’s Ramadhan.

Considered as the holiest month in the Hijri calendar, Ramadhan is filled with historic and spiritual importance to the lives of every Muslim around the world. From the revelation of the Noble Qur’an to the virtues brought upon by fasting, Ramadhan is truly a time of reflection, discipline, and faith to the Almighty Allah.

Just like last year, we must observe Ramadhan differently than what we have been accustomed to because of the unprecedented global health crisis. Like most of you, I wish things were under better circumstances, but we have one common duty right now and that is to keep each other safe.

And as always, we trust the wisdom of the Almighty Allah and remain optimistic that things will be better.

As a people, I know that together, we can surpass the challenges that we face today. And of course, I pray that we become one in advancing our shared aspirations as one Bangsamoro – to rebuild our region, to live in peace and to pass on a better life to those who will follow.

To our Muslim brothers and sisters, May Allah accept your fast, prayers, alms giving and all your good deeds as the spirit and blessings of the holy month of Ramdhan be with you.

Ramadhan Al- Mubarak, wa kullo Aamin wa antom bi khair.


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