Sunday, March 3, 2019

The message of theChief Minister Al Haj Murad Ebrahim during the 1st official flag ceremony of the BARMM today

"Good Morning to my fellow workers of the Bangsamoro
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.

This is the first time that I, as your Chief Minister, and the
members of the Interim Cabinet, have joined you in this flag raising ceremony.
We are now in the very early days of the transition process, and I know that every change always bring with it some elements of fear, doubt and resistance.

Maybe the most frequently asked question among yourselves could be, what would happen to us now?
Consistent with my earlier statements, your status in the
BARMM will be determined by the nature of your

That is, for the permanent, you remain in your posts until the BTA has finally adopted the transition plan, which shall contain the organizational plan as well as the schedule for the implementation therefor.

For those holding contract of service, we shall honor such contract in general, but a review of the nature of the job and your performance thereof shall also be made.

For those co-terminus, I know that you are also aware that
your service has to end simultaneous with the end of the term of the one who appointed you.
All of us will experience some measures of difficulties in the coming days or weeks, or even months. 

There would several administrative, fiscal, organizational, legal, and perhaps even relational matters to be resolved as we progress in the transition process.

My only request to you, fellow workers of the BARMM, is cooperation. 

I truly understand your concern for your careers, but somehow we have to start this overhauling of the regional government.

A ministerial form of government will be established,
necessitating bureaucratic changes, that is, changes in
structures, processes and even people.

We have to remember that the constitutional provisions on the creation of our autonomous region is grounded on the history of the struggle of our people for, among other things, the opportunity to improve their lives and their communities.

Unfortunately over the last 30 years, this region remains to be at lowest rankings in terms of human development indices.

We do not intend to engage in blame-game. After all, the MILF has always been consistent in its stand that the defunct ARMM could never solve the Bangsamoro Problem.

Now, we have this great opportunity to realize the provisions of the BOL, which is actually set on the letter and spirit of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro as well as other peace agreements.

We believe that a ministerial form of government can cure the defects in our governance - foremost of which is its distinct feature of fusion of executive and legislative branches that easily facilitates mutual checks and balances.

These changes may be good or bad for you on the personal level, but I ask you to go beyond personal interests. We have seen how difficult it is to sacrifice personal comfort for a great cause. But always, at the end, sacrifices and pure intentions are rewarded.

And so, on our second working week, let us go to our
respective offices with the same, or even more, amount of
dedication, professionalism and productivity that every public servant is expected of.

Lastly, I thank the Bureau of Fire Protection for leading this
ceremony. I am hopeful that the annual observance of March as Fire Prevention Month would continue to instill in the consciousness of our people the right attitude, behavior and vigilance in fire prevention.

Thank you."
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