Monday, September 11, 2017

Tandubas LGU conducted Anti-Drug and terrorism summit

BY: Becky  D. de Asis-The Redline News

Tandubas, Tawi-Tawi – The Municipal Police Station headed by P/SInspector Almira A. Relox with the Local Government Unit headed by Mayor Rahiema Salih and Vice Mayor Fatima Saida A. Maing conducted  the 1st LGU Summit on Anti-Drugs and terrorism in order to give the  exact information about the effects of this menace of the country.

The said summit attended different sectors of Tandubas including religious sectors, Barangay Tanod, BPATS, Municipal Emloyees, Barangay Officials and among others.

Mayor Rahiema Salih  urging the people of Tandubas to please cooperate to the police and other peacekeepers agencies to fight against drugs and terrorism because this is the only way to have a peaceful living conditions  of  their municipality. 

“I will not hesitate to funish  everyone involving drug businesses here  or even conniving with the terrorists, I will do the best way to arrests them and put them into  jail”, said the mayor.

Therefore, Vice Mayor Fatima Saida Maing also added, that she do the best way to help her constituents to fight against drugs and terrorism because she don't  want her constituents jailed or even killed because of using or involving drugs or even terrorism, Maing  said in an interview.

Meanwhile PSI Relox also said, that she urging  also the people and even the municipal government to help them the  mandates of the government  to fight against drugs and terrorism.

“Everybody here want to live peacefully, I urging you all to help us , and report immediately if do you have any reports in your areas involving drugs, so that we can respond immediately to arrests them”, said Relox during the summit last August 17, 2017.

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