Sunday, July 29, 2018

Lanao Sur town inaugurates new health facilities

CALANOGAS, Lanao del Sur --- The local government of Calanogas is determined to improve the health aspect of its constituents following the inauguration of various facilities last July 27 which will enhance the delivery of basic medical services in the 'once forgotten and troubled' town.

Mayor Macapado Benito, Sr. said these facilities include the newly rehabilitated rural health center (RHU), TB Dots building, birthing clinic and the second level of municipal hall building.

"The local government's newest accomplishment is indeed a testament of our leadership and commitment to public service for the people of Calanogas", Mayor Benito said.

Dr. Kadil M. Sinolinding,Jr., secretary of health department in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao and honored guest during the program, lauded the achievements and continuing efforts of the local leadership benefited by the town residents.

"I'll be honest with you. In the past, whenever I pass by at Calanogas I would hit the speed of my vehicle into a very high level since somewhow I am afraid I might encounter lawless elements while on the road. But luckily, that was before. I am truly happy that Calanogas is on its way to become a more developed community," Sec. Sinolinding said.

Accordingly, the birthing clinic is considered one of the biggest facilities in the region.
Dr. Raquelina A. Benito, municipal health officer and the town's first lady, said the birthing clinic costs roughly Php 3 million, while the rehabilitation of the RHU which include the TB Dots center was around Php 1.5 million.

"The municipal government of Calanogas had 40 percent counterpart in the implementation of the projects," Dr. Benito said.

Further, Dr. Benito stressed that with the new facilities, they have listed an improved 50 percent on the number of patients coming in and were being served by the LGU.

"It includes deliveries of mothers at the birthing clinic. In addition, we would also be willing to accommodate patients from nearby towns," she added.

Meanwhile, Dr. Benito revealed the town listed zero maternal death.

"We ensure to deliver basic medical services to our people through the conduct of regular weekly barangay visitations. The common case we mostly encounter is respiratory track infection. Aside from that, we are also strengthening our campaign on pre-natal as well as the advocacy on safe motherhood," she said.
The facility is Philhealth accredited.

Amongst the attendees in the program were Lanao del Sur vice-governor Mamintal "Bombit" Alonto Adiong, Acting Provincial Police Office Director PSSupt. Ronald T. Briones, 1st Infantry (Tabak) Division's 103rd Brigade Commanding General BGen Generoso M. Ponio, IPHO chief Dr. Alinader Minalang, Philhealth representative and other guests. (Gil Acosta Lao/The Redline News)

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