Thursday, February 2, 2017

RD PRO9 Administers the Oath Taking of Newly Appointed Police Officer 1

 Zamboanga City (The Redline News Philippines) -  Three hundred eighty-eight (388) new breed of police officers 1 took their oath before their proud loved ones and family in a ceremony held at the Police Regional Office 9 Multi-purpose Mercedes Zamboanga City on February 1, 2017.
 PRO9 Regional Director PCSupt. Billy B. Beltran   administered the oath taking of 302 male and 86 female police officers 1 for the 2017 first Semester PO1 Attrition Recruitment Program.
PC/Supt. Beltan  , in his inspirational message to the newly recruits, challenged the recruits that being in the police service is such a profession that emphasized public service and being a public servant. For this, their profession should not be perished by wrongdoings while in service.

he PRO9 Regional Director also reminded the police trainees to bear in mind that the police service is a noble profession and that if they failed to fulfill their mandated duties and responsibilities, then as early as this stage, he frankly informed the recruits to leave the ranks and go home. With the bad images that the organization is facing, the organization needs dedicated, honest and responsible police officers, he added.
The recruits were also challenged to submit themselves during training in preparation for their deployment to various units and offices purposely to combat against crimes and criminals in the region and look for their senior officers who are dedicated and responsible one, as their role model.
The 388 new breed of police recruits who comes from the different city and provinces of Zamboanga Peninsula, successfully passed the rigorous examinations conducted by the PRO9 Recruitment Screening Committee after they subjected to height and weight examinations, agility test, neuro-psychiatric test, drug test, medical/dental examinations and final screening interview.
Being appointed on temporary status, the 388 new police recruits will undergo Public Safety Basic Recruit Course (PSBRC) at the Regional Training School 9, in Camp Felizimo Marcos, Pasonanca, Zamboanga City for six (6) months to acquire the highest standards of police discipline, industry, courtesy and value. This is followed by a Field Training Program (FTP) for another six (6) months in cities and province within Zamboanga Peninsula in order to have an actual observation and experience in the fields of investigation, traffic and patrol. Right after the FTP, the new Police Officers will undergo rigid PNP Modified Special Counter-Insurgency Operations Unit Training (SCOUT) for 45 days.
 The new police officers will be receiving a monthly basic pay of P14, 834.00 excluding other allowances while undergoing training.(PR/PRO9-PIO/posted by Becky D. de Asis-The Redline News Philippines)

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