Saturday, November 25, 2017

UIPCF-HFMP Region IX ready for nationwide rally for Rev-Gov

Pagadian City - The United Indigenous People and Christian for Federalism headed by Ms Judys G. Cogo that the synchronized nationwide rally on Revolutionary Government are all set and ready on November 30, 2017.

Cogo told reporters that there are  thousands supporters from different provinces and municipalties in Region IX confirmed to attain the incoming rally to be hold in Pagadian Rotunda Circle at around 8:00 in the morning.
UIPCF-HFMP meetings in Pagadian 
This nationwide rally on Revolutionary Government is a nationwide call of support to President Rodrigo Duterte to shift to federal form of government.

Federalism is a type of government in which power is divided by two level of governments, the central and the local or state governments, thereby enhancing autonomy to regional state governments.

Chairman Celso A. Tizon, chairman of Hugpong Federal Movement of the Philippines, said that this nationwide rally on October 30, 2017 is to give way the president's call for a change in our system of government or re-write our constitution so that federalism can be implemented constitutionally.

The President expressed belief that federal form of government can best address inequality. (By: Becky D. de Asis)

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