Monday, July 31, 2017

Sibutu the utmost shimmering Island of the South

Feature News:
By: Becky D. de Asis

The island is reach of natural resources like marine products that blessed the people to have food in the  table to eat. Islamic culture is predominant in Sama people that peacefully live this far-lung municipality of Tawi-Tawi.

The shimmering island municipality has 10 years of existence since  separated from municipality of Sitangkay last  October 26, 2016. It has 16 barangay's and 30,000 populations at 6th class municipality.

After separated, the 1st elected mayor no other than  Hadji Kuyuh A. Pajiji, the father of present mayor Hadji Al-Shefa Pajiji  married to Camiguin born woman Elvira Pajiji.

Sibutu is actually geographically remote municipality  of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao but this is the most safer place to live in the whole region.

Sheikh Karimul Makhdum Shrine

The  Sheik Makdum Shrine, wherein the first missionary Muslim came from Malaysia landed his 1st foot in Simunul island municipality but died  and was  burried in Sibutu that was more or less 500 years ago.

Sheikh Makhdum is an Islamic preacher from Malaysia who arrived in Tawi-Tawi in 1380. From then on, Islam became the faith of the Moro people and has been dominant in the Bangsamoro life and culture, setting the Moros’ identity apart from the rest of the country.

White Beaches:

Amazing history that you would never 

It is very interesting, rekindling the history while you swimming and dive over their crystallized water and lying down of their white beaches  and navigating stars  during night time.

While swimming of their crystal  waters, you will encounter different colors  of fishes such as hagfish, lampreys, and cartilaginous and gold fish  attracting and tempting you most to get long  in the water.

Blue Lagoon/Caban-Caban:

Some native here attracting you to swim and dive their blue lagoon or Caban-Caban. 

It is blue or black water with almost 100 square meters wide, but un confirmed deep  sizes. A fresh and coolest blue water located in the heart of Sibutu. The said lagoon is one of stress removal of the native here and even the tourists.While you  plunge this blue, deep lagoon, you splashing your  worries away...

Source of Income: SEAWEEDS/FISHING

Seaweeds production is the main products and source of income of Sama people here  in Sibutu. 

During harvest time tons by tons  of seaweeds products delivered with a good market price.

The Department of Agriculture Regional Office  of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao  or DA-ARMM released financial supports earlier for the seaweed farmers  here as part of the realization of the poverty alleviation program of the government.

Most of Sama people living at the sea-shore areas and of other source of living their  is also  fishing. 

Sibutu one of exporter of 1st class shell fish and high value of fish species here for exports.


Facing Sitangkay Island municipality. Most of houses here is connecting by foot-bridges. 

It is tremendous for river cruise business,  it’s perfect place for the lovers wants to buildup  of their growing love and future. 

It is awesome also of rekindling your happy memories while you where here in the long foot-bridde of this amazing Tandu-Owak.

Sikulan Island beach:
A southern part island of Sibutu and closer to Sabah and Malaysia. 

The Last light house of the country was built here.

....More stories about Sibutu: Watch out for the next post.

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