Friday, December 1, 2017

Rev-Gov Nationwide Rally of HFMP-Tapang at Malasakit successful - Thousands of supporters flanks during the rally

Photo courtesy of Ms Tahira Asaji
Davao City –  The Revolutionary Government rally in Davao City it was successful and attended thousands of supporters from different areas of the country including abroad in order to support the President to change the constitution into federal form of government.

Chairman Celso A. Tizon of Hugpong Federal Movement of the Philippines –Tapang at Malasakit said , this synchronized rally of HFMP throughout the country just to support the Revolutionary Government  that pronounced lately by the President Duterte to proclaim RevGov to pave the way the Federal Form of Government and to depend the country against the terrorists and other form of criminalities hampering the peace and order situation in the country.

There are thousands of  supporters from different regions nationwide at yesterday’s rally to support the proclamation of Revolutionaty Government, this was disclosed by Vergillio dela Cruz, Astig Secretary General of HFMP.

Meanwhile, Ms Judys Cogo who handled the Pagadian group of HFMP also said, that there are thousands of volunteers gathered in the city to support the RevGov. (By: Becky D. de Asis)

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