Friday, July 13, 2018

NYC lauds enactment of anti hazing law

 A better image of fraternities and sororities is expected to emerge with the passage of the amended Anti-Hazing Law or Republic Act 11053.

In a position paper submitted by the National Youth Commission prior to the signing by President Rodrigo Duterte, it stated: the Commission believes that brotherhood or sisterhood, or one’s dedication to an organization should be measured not by how many paddles one can take, but by his commitment to the mission and vision of the organization. A member’s commitment can be built not just on the day of initiation but through the course of their participation to the activities of the organization.

Fraternities and sororities should serve as inspiration to deepen the sense of brotherhood and sisterhood among young people and not as platforms to make submission to barbaric acts of physical violence as a requirement for membership.

With the enactment of the amended Anti-Hazing Law that provides for stricter penalties and legal parameters against the perpetrators of physical abuse during hazing or initiation rites, the NYC is hopeful that the cycle of violence among fraternities will stop.

In addition, the NYC also expressed support to the amended law that prohibits all forms of hazing inside and outside of schools, regulate the conduct of initiation rites by organizations and ensure more proactive involvement of academic institutions in preventing hazing or similar activities in the future.

“The youth as the future leaders of this country must thrive in a peaceful and a secure environment where their physical and mental well-being are not compromised,” NYC OIC ASec Ronald Cardema emphasized.
Hence, the NYC calls on youth leaders to study and adhere to the provisions of the law.

“The passage of RA 11053 is very timely as we commemorate this year’s International Youth Day with the theme that calls for Safe Spaces for the Youth”, ASec Cardema added.

ASec Cardema said further that fraternities and sororities should become hubs for more youth development strategies by transforming into centers of leadership excellence, alliance building and networking, and as harbingers of peace and hope for a better future.                                 


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