Sunday, July 1, 2018

RVG Lucman spearheads distribution of seedlings, tree planting activity

COMMITMENT --- ARMM Vice-Governor Haroun Alrashid A. Lucman, Jr. (standing, 6th from left) led the distribution of seedlings and tree planting activity last June 26 in the town of Madalum together with Municipal Administrator Sultan Usman Sarangani (standing, 4th from right). --- Gilmhar A. Lao

MADALUM, Lanao del Sur --- The Office of the Regional Vice-Governor (ORVG) in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) spearheaded last June 26 the distribution of seedlings to farmer beneficiaries together with a tree planting activity in this town. Vice-Governor Haroun Alrashid Alonto Lucman Jr. said the joint activity is in partnership with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources- ARMM, Department of Agriculture- ARMM and the local government of Madalum. 

On December 22, 2017, tropical storm Vinta made landfall in Mindanao region causing great damages to agriculture, infrastructures and basic services and affected thousands of people. One of the most affected was the municipality of Madalum where flooding and landslides took place. 

In this regard, Lucman said thousands of trees shall be planted in Madalum and the surrounding areas of Mount Gurain. 

"The trees, seedlings actually, 150 thousands in total, are all fruit bearing trees such as lansones, coffee, mangosteen, and durian. It will substitute for the short term crops usually planted by farmers in the area in order to help mitigate soil erosion, landslide, and other environmental degradations resulting from the denudation of the forest cover in mount Gurain,” the vice-governor said. 

In addition, Lucman stressed we should always be reminded of our own capacity because at our own level, we are so capable. "We can do something if we work hand in hand,” he said. Meanwhile, Municipal Administrator Sultan Usman Sarangani expressed his sincerest gratitude to the initiative of the office of the vice-governor.

 “We are truly thankful for this. Now we can clearly see the need to prioritize more on our campaign on disaster preparedness, prevention and mitigation,” Sultan Sarangani said. (Gilmhar A. Lao) 

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