Saturday, November 5, 2016

OPAPP Statement on the Suspension of Proceedings and Warrants of Arrest for MNLF Founding Chair Nur Misuari

The positive response of Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) founding chair Nur Misuari to President Rodrigo R. Duterte’s invitation to participate in the Bangsamoro peace process and the signing of the executive order that will create a more inclusive Bangsamoro Transition Commission (BTC) on Monday, November 7, are significant steps closer to a comprehensive and inclusive resolution of the decades-long armed conflict in Mindanao. 

The peace process in Mindanao is on track with both the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the MNLF on board for a more inclusive resolution to the conflict. They are now willing to sit at the peace table and work together with the government to address the historical injustices committed against the Moro people. This is an unprecedented and historic development. 

Chairman Misuari has declared that only President Duterte can solve the long-standing problem of peace and order in Mindanao. This trust in the president’s leadership from the MNLF founder is a key ingredient in the President’s roadmap that will lead us to peace in Mindanao.

President Duterte’s determination to end the war once and for all during his term has led him to explore creative ways to get all the key actors to the peace table.  

He has committed to release an unprecedented number of detained leaders of the National Democratic Front (NDF) so they can participate in the peace negotiations and declared an indefinite unilateral ceasefire. 

In the same manner, the President has caused the suspension of hearings and enforcement of warrants of arrest against Chairman Misuari so he can also participate in the Bangsamoro peace process. 

The temporary releases of the NDF leaders and of the MNLF chairman is in pursuit of a larger vision of peace. As justice is a key element of peacebuilding, justice and healing will be an integral part of the peace process. The concern for justice related to the Zamboanga incidents in 2013 as well as other incidents identified by the Transitional Justice and Reconciliation Commission will be dealt with in a comprehensive program. 

As the major actors and stakeholders are now involved in pursuing peace in Mindanao, the opportunity is greater for dialogue and meaningful conversations that can lead to inclusive peace. 

Public participation will be an integral part of the process through the formation of various Peace Tables in the different sectors and communities following President Duterte’s desire for inclusiveness, transparency, and convergence. The bigger peace table of the people will enable every Filipino to contribute not only to make peace happen, but more importantly, to make peace last. (posted by Becky D. de Asis-the redline news)

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