Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Sitangkai police conducted seaborne patrol against lawless elements

Sitangkai, Tawi-Tawi -  The Provincial Police Office of Tawi-Tawi under Police Senior Superintendent Jerich Tan Royales alerted all police stations to conduct seaborne patrol along their area of responsibility in order to monitor and protect their people against lawless elements.

Therefore the Sitangkai Municipal Police Station immediately respond the call of the provincial director.

Police here immediately  conducted seaborne patrol along the sea shore of all barangay's of Sitangkai just to pacify and monitor of any suspicious person's around the said municipality.

PO3 Asbud Sirip of Sitangkai Police Station who led the seaborne patrol said, that he is ready anytime in order  to protect the people of Sitangkai and other nearby municipality if needed.

While Police Chief Inspector Alexie A. Desamito, OIC  also said, that his policemen always alert and conducted seaborne patrol  to maintain the peace and order situation under his area of responsibility. (By: Becky D. de Asis-The Redline News)

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