Sunday, October 23, 2016

PNP Launched basketball league for drug surrenderee’s in Surigao

Surigao, Philippines  - The First Maneuver Company, RPSB 13 headed by P/SINSP Mawi C. Arcilla, Officer in-Charge conducted First Manuever company cup , basketball league exclusive for  for oplan Tokhang surrenderer’s  held at Covered Court of  Brgy Tambis, Barobo, Surigao del Sur.

The said activity duly supported and participated by different  barangay’s include Brgy Campbagang, Brgy Bahi, Brgy Tambis and Brgy Amaga, all of Barobo, of the said province  together with their respective barangay chairman and officials.

The LGU-Barobo represented by Joel Pama  the  Municipal Vice Mayor of the said Municipality appreciated and ensures their full support with these kind of activity  initiated by policemen.

After the said activity, the  boodle fight  initiated by the unit together with the surrenderers and barangay officials and also residents of the barangay.(PR and photo credited to 1rst Mcoy RPSB 13/Mike Navarro/posted by: Becky D. de Asis-the redline news)

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